Our Blog

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Susan Schwandt

QAAQG Quilt Along Week 6 – Propellers

“Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.”                                           Earl Nightingale Thanks to an incredibly smart quilt-alonger (it was Pat Weber!), we finally realized that the star blocks look like

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Susan Schwandt

QAAQG Quilt Along Week 5 – Rail Fence

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.”                      Rabindranath Tagore   How are you? Do you miss an hour of sleep today? Well, it’s spring forward,

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Susan Schwandt

QAAQG Quilt Along Week 4 – Half Square Triangles

By Nico Laudenberg March 7, 2021 Have you told you lately that you love you? How are you? Did you do the center medallion yet? Well, then you are officially a hero! We hope that you are patting your shoulder at least three times a day. We also hope no

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Kathy Johnson

Quilt Along (QAL) Week 2 – Cutting Fabric

By Nico Laudenberg  Feb 21, 2021 “I give myself permission to just make for the sake of making without any thought to the outcome, which can be surprisingly hard. … What I would tell my younger self is this: There is no “right” way to make art. The only wrong

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Kathy Johnson

Quilt Along (QAL) Week 1 – Choosing Fabric

by Nico Laudenberg Feb14, 2021 Take time to do what makes your soul happy   How are you? Today’s the day: Let the feast begin! We hope you are all happy and healthy and excited to dive into our adventure. In our weekly postings, we’ll have for you a bunch

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Kathy Johnson

The Beauty of the Baltimore Album Quilt

  By Pamela Setla, GAAQG Preservationist, Dec 5, 2019 Imagine a quilt being auctioned by Sotheby’s for $176,000 or one sold by Northeast Auctions for $58,000. These were actual prices paid for a Baltimore Album Quilt, a quilt made during the 1840s. What make these quilts so attractive to both

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How Workshops Work Best

By Nico Laudenberg Leave Your Comfort Zone Sometimes, the best workshops are those you didn’t want to take in the first place. Not my taste, not my thing, I’m not doing this particular technique. Or: I know my stuff anyways, why bother with new hassles? You don’t – like/need/do/you name

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Kathy Johnson

A Bright Era in Vintage Quilting

by GAAQG Preservationist Pam Young Setla, March 13, 2019 Vintage is a term that refers to quilts that are from the 1920s -1960s. These quilts are often mistakenly called antique by sellers and owners alike. Former quilter Mary Jo Frank of Dexter recently gave me a vintage 1940s Grandmother’s Flower

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