where and when we meet
Quilt Day Meetings
The Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild (GAAQG) is a non-profit organization managed by volunteers dedicated to the art and preservation of quilting, patchwork, appliqué, and related fiber arts. Originally established in 1987 by 11 members, today we have grown to over 260 members.
We meet five times a year, on the third Saturday of odd-numbered months. In January we meet by videoconference only.
We welcome both members and non-members to our Zoom and in-person meetings.
All workshop attendees attend the lecture for free. There is a fee of $10 to attend a lecture for non-members who are not attending any of the weekend workshops. If you are not a guild member and would like to attend via Zoom, a link can be purchased for $10 via our website’s online store or you can pay at the door.
In-person meetings are held at the newly renovated Washtenaw Community College – Morris Lawrence Building – Towsley Auditorium. Doors open at 8:30am and the meeting begins at 9:15.
Saturday Quilt Days typically begin with a demo in the atrium. These fun demos are given by a member and topics range from fabric stamping to essential quilting tools. Material for SafeHouse quilts is also available at this time as well as general socializing.
At 9:15am we meet in the auditorium. Brief guild business and announcements are made. A lecture by an invited speaker follows. We conclude with Show & Tell segment high-lighting members’ quilts and quilts made for SafeHouse Center.
Saturday Guild Meeting Location:
Towsley Auditorium
Morris Lawrence Building
Washtenaw Community College
4800 E. Huron Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Doors Open: 8:30am, meeting begins at 9:15am